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Downloads: 54
zip0SP Stageit5.4.9 HOT
(0 votes)
j3.x -j4.x

SP Staging is a tool with the ability to manage remotely all Joomla! extensions from a central coordinator site on all your Joomla! sites. Imagine using the core Joomla! Extensions Manager with all its functionality (install, find updates, update, upgrade Joomla! etc), but instead you can control all your sites from one place.

created:Date 2018-07-26
Website Demo external
zip1Login as User3.6.3 HOT
(0 votes)
j3.x -j4.x

This plugin helps admin users to login to the front-end as a specific user. It is useful for websites where the admin user needs to check if a user can see their order(s) correctly, if a form was filled out correctly, or any issues with a user's personal details, etc. The Admin user will be accessing all this information as the external User in order to replicate any issues and assist the user.

Developer: Web357
created:Date 2018-04-04
Website Demo external
(0 votes)
j3.x -j4.x

This Captcha plugin works with any Joomla extension capable of using the Joomla core captcha plugin system. It uses the Securimage PHP CAPTCHA script for generating complex images and CAPTCHA codes (including math challenge) to protect forms from spam and abuse.

Developer: Ideal Extensions
created:Date 2018-03-26
Website Demo external
zip3Vik Secure 1.2.2 HOT
(0 votes)
j3.x -j4.x

VikSecure is an extension that offers a lot of security services to protect and sanitize your Joomla! website from hackers, bots and malware.

Developer: e4j
created:Date 2018-02-08
Website Demo external
(0 votes)
j3.x -j4.x

 yKhoon HTML Protector is an extension that protect your web site HTML source code. The extension will encrypt or encode your HTML source code so that other people can not see it. This extension is specifically made for the security minded people. After all, you can not change what you can not see.

Developer: YK Lim
created:Date 2017-05-30
Website Demo external
(0 votes)
j3.x -j4.x

* on photographers website, the client can login and few his/her pictures
* on a guitarbuilders website, the client can login and see updates on the work on their custom guitar
* on a skydivers website, the client can login and see the video of their skydive

Developer: Carsten Engel
created:Date 2017-03-08
Website Demo external
(0 votes)
j3.x -j4.x

Securitycheck Pro is a global protection suite designed to protect your website without affecting your server's speed

Developer: Texpaok
created:Date 2017-01-31
Website Demo external
zip7RSFirewall3.1.1 HOT
(5 votes)
J4.x & J5.x

RSFirewall! is the most advanced Joomla! security service that you can use to protect your Joomla! website from intrusions and hacker attacks. RSFirewall! is backed up by a team of experts that are trained to be always up to date with the latest known vulnerabilities and security updates.

Developer: rsjoomla
created:Date 2017-01-27
Website Demo external
(0 votes)
j3.x -j4.x

yKhoon Content Protector Advanced Edition (previously known as Advanced Content Protector) is an extension that protect the content of your Joomla web site. The objective of this extension is to act as a shield against plagiarism. The extension will be able to restrict certain functionality like disable right click of the mouse, disable word selection/highlighting, control key combination (for example; ctrl + c and ctrl + v), and etc

Developer: YK Lim
created:Date 2017-01-26