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Downloads: 46
(0 votes)
j3.x -j4.x
JUX Mega Menu for JoomShopping

JUX Mega Menu for JoomShopping is a powerful & responsive Joomla menu module which helps you to flexibly & easily bring JoomShopping categories & subcategories to display in menu.

Developer: JoomlaUX
created:Date 2023-08-29
Website Demo external
(0 votes)
j3.x -j4.x
SJ Accordion for JoomShopping

With SJ Accordion for JoomShopping, responsive Website based on Joomla! benefit from accordion in showing products. This module is made for JoomShopping and compatible with latest versions.

Developer: SmartAddons
created:Date 2023-07-13
Website Demo external
(0 votes)
j3.x -j4.x
SJ Slick Slider for JoomShopping

SJ Slick Slider for JoomShopping is a responsive module for Joomla!. Made for JoomShopping component, using as a front-end slider, we can use it to show featured products, with title, description,

Developer: SmartAddons
created:Date 2023-07-11
Website Demo external
(0 votes)
j3.x -j4.x
SJ Slideshow II for JoomShopping

SJ Slideshow II for JoomShopping is a new slideshow module made for JoomShopping component. This module is divided into two-part layout, where we can set it up easily to show as many products as we want.

Developer: SmartAddons
created:Date 2023-07-08
Website Demo external
(0 votes)
j3.x -j4.x
SJ Mega Product for JoomShopping

SJ Mega Products for JoomShopping is organizer for showing products in JoomShopping component. It has responsive layout. Divided into columns, we can set it up easily to show as many products as we want.

Developer: SmartAddons
created:Date 2023-06-21
Website Demo external
(0 votes)
j3.x -j4.x
SJ Listing Tabs for JoomShopping

Sj Listing Tabs for JoomShopping is a modern and functional Joomla extension for JoomShopping component. This JoomShopping extension will show JoomShopping products as tabs. You can choose whether to display products according to Category tabs or Field Product tabs.

Developer: SmartAddons
created:Date 2023-04-23
Website Demo external
(0 votes)
j3.x -j4.x

Addon for multi vendor shopping cart

Frontend part:

  1. Register as a vendor.
  2. Create category, products
  3. Product publication for sale (after admin publish or Configuration auto publish product
Developer: MAXXmarketing Gmb
created:Date 2022-12-20
Website Demo external
(0 votes)
j3.x -j4.x
SJ Extra Slider for JoomShopping

Using this module, it will support JoomShopping store in showing products with many types of slider. SJ Extra Slider for JoomShopping is made with responsive design and added many extra layouts for your need with various cool effects.

Developer: SmartAddons
created:Date 2022-11-21
Website Demo external
AJAX cart compare products InfoDockBar JoomShopping

One of the main problems on the site, especially in the online shop , is the location of the necessary blocks. There are many modules that simply must be placed in a conspicuous place on all pages to ensure the usability of the store and increase comfort for the client .

Developer: Nevigen
created:Date 2022-10-30
Website Demo external

Characteristic products import


Developer: webdesigner-profi
created:Date 2022-01-23
Website Demo external

Export products to yandex.ru

created:Date 2022-01-22
Website Demo external

Displays product description, characteristics, videos, reviews, files in tab.

It is possible to break the product description for many tabs.

Developer: webdesigner-profi
created:Date 2021-11-29

Addon allows you to set the price of the goods for the client group.
Addon support price of the attributes

Does not support a minimum price

created:Date 2021-10-17
Website Demo external
(0 votes)
j3.x -j4.x

The plugin displays and checks the validity captcha when filling out the registration form JoomShopping.

Developer: nevigen
created:Date 2021-08-30

The plugin uses the zoom effect jQuery zoom and is based on a free script with http://zoomsl.tw1.ru/ site and http://www.elevateweb.co.uk/ site

In the plugin settings you can choose three types of the enlarged image:

  1. In a separate window;
  2. In the image window (in the window) (only in the paid version) ;
  3. The effect of a
Developer: brooksite
created:Date 2021-08-30
(0 votes)
j3.x -j4.x

The unique approach of defining spam bots, based on a diametrically opposite approach to detect spam than Captcha. Unlike solutions with Captcha, which uses the idea to offer the user a task that you can easily solve the people, but which disproportionately more difficult to solve computer in a spam filter uses the definition of actions that can be done only by a robot, and not made by man.

Developer: nevigen
created:Date 2021-05-22
Website Demo external

Module for displaying category trees.


Category view:

  • No - Simple UL LI list category (Use your CSS) (Screenshot 1);
  • Tree view (Screenshot 2);
  • Horisontal menu;
  • Vertical menu (Screenshot 3);

There's a possibility to show only subcategories.
Display count product.

Developer: webdesigner-profi
created:Date 2021-04-20
Website Demo external
(0 votes)
j3.x -j4.x

Skip checkout step for joomshopping

Developer: webdesigner-profi
created:Date 2021-04-10
Website Demo external

Shipping price Calculate for weight/postal code/count/price/products id

2-10kg / zip code (11111-44444) / count products (1-10) / order price (0-100$) - shipping price = 20$
10-50kg / zip code (11111-44444) / count products (1-10) / order price (0-100$) - shipping price = 30$

Developer: .webdesigner-profi
created:Date 2021-04-03
Website Demo external

its a plugin for  adding Quantity in product list - in joomshopping

Developer: webdesigner-profi
created:Date 2021-03-24
Website Demo external
(0 votes)
j3.x -j4.x

Mollie API

Payment method: IDEAL, Creditcard, Mister Cash, PayPal, paysafecard, SOFORT Banking, Bank transfer, Bitcoin, PODIUM Cadeaukaart, KBC/CBC Payment Button, Belfius Direct Net, Bancontact.

Developer: webdesigner-profi
created:Date 2021-03-24
(0 votes)
j3.x -j4.x

Purchase only after administrator approval

Developer: webdesigner-profi
created:Date 2021-03-20
Website Demo external

Module displays randomly goods from a specific category or from all categories.
Count products
Show image product
Display product from category

Developer: webdesigner-profi
created:Date 2021-03-14
Website Demo external

Plugin Product Watermark.
Watermark be generated when uploading a new photo.


  • Watermark Thumb image
  • Watermark Middle image
  • Watermark Full image
  • Padding right
  • Padding bottom
  • Image quality

Image format: jpg, gif, png.

Developer: webdesigner-profi
created:Date 2021-03-11
Website Demo external
(1 vote)
j3.x -j4.x

Cart save
Products in the basket are saved after closing the page. (for registered customers)
Administrator can view basket / wishlist customer
Addon sends to client a reminder that he has unfinished shopping. (1.4.0+)
Possible change texts mails (1.5.0+)

Persistent carts
Products in the basket are saved after closing the page. (for cookie)


Developer: webdesigner-profi
created:Date 2021-03-05
Website Demo external
(0 votes)
j3.x -j4.x

The addon shows the button 'Notify availability' when product out of stock
Client click button - data saved in 'request availability'
The client receives a message when the product will appear in stock.

Developer: webdesigner-profi
created:Date 2021-03-05
Website Demo external
(0 votes)
j3.x -j4.x

Displaying product availability

Product is available / product comes to an end / product is not available / +custom statuses..
Color: green / yellow / red.

Developer: webdesigner
created:Date 2021-03-03
Website Demo external

Plugin Product attribute style
Addon Product attribute style in cart

Developer: webdesigner-profi
created:Date 2021-02-28
Website Demo external

Addon allows you to customize each product (screenshot 1):
Product show for group of users,
show the price of the goods for groups of users,
allow to buy goods for the group members.

Example (screenshot 2)
Product 1 (disabled show price)
Product 2 (disabled show button Buy)

Developer: webdesigner-profi
created:Date 2021-02-22
Website Demo external

Template product Image Scrolling

Configuration: plugins / JoomShopping - Images scrolling

Warning: Addon override template 'product detail'.

Developer: webdesigner-profi
created:Date 2021-02-22
Website Demo external
(0 votes)
j3.x -j4.x

Addon Checkout onepage - shows all steps checkout on one page.

Configuration: Plugins / Addon Checkout Ajax
Used default template login/registration: Yes/No

Developer: webdesigner-profi
created:Date 2021-02-22
Website Demo external

Addon allows you to set the price for one letter or word.

For example inscription on the shirt.
Price each letter = 1$

Developer: webdesigner-profi
created:Date 2021-02-21
Website Demo external
(0 votes)
j3.x -j4.x

Example: Manager can access only for categories and products

Developer: webdesigner-profi
created:Date 2021-02-19
Website Demo external
(0 votes)
j3.x -j4.x

Copyright Removed in this version (real price of copyright remove is 205 Euro but You can download for free !)

JoomShopping Online Store, responsiv! For Joomla 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 2.5 and 3.xx is the most easy to use OnlineShop for Joomla. More than 400.000 new Online Shop Users in 3 years! On the Website you find also demo online store installation and links to shops which was created with JoomShopping Shop.

Developer: webdesigner
created:Date 2021-02-18
Website Demo external

Ask a question / Ask a price / Offer

The buyer can send a message to the administrator, pointing out your name and e-mail for further information on this product or to express their wishes.

Ask a question about product
Ask a price (for product price = 0)
Offer (for product quantity = 0)

Developer: webdesigner-profi.
created:Date 2021-02-15
Website Demo external
  Edit or create product on frontend.

Example for manager.
Configuration: Options / addons / Front Product Editor
Access to user groups: manager.

Developer: webdesigner-profi.
created:Date 2020-05-03
Website Demo external
(0 votes)
j3.x -j4.x

Show attribute with 2 option (no, yes) as checkbox.

1. Create attribute (screenshot 3)
2. Create two values ​​(1. no, 2. yes) (screenshot 5)
3. Add an attribute to the product (screenshot 6)
4. Set price for value (yes) (screenshot 6)

Developer: webdesigner-profi
created:Date 2019-11-07
Website Demo external

Backup JoomShopping Database and Files (no php Script).
To restore just install the zip file.

created:Date 2019-11-07
Website Demo external
(0 votes)
j3.x -j4.x

This module can filter your Joomshopping products by several fields at the same time

created:Date 2019-11-07
Website Demo external

Addon makes it possible to set multiple labels for each product

Developer: webdesigner
created:Date 2019-06-03
Website Demo external
(2 votes)

Module Product Search with 'quick search'.
Function "Quick Search" provides momentary output, example by entering the first letters of the goods.
Module configuration (Secreenshot 2)

Developer: webdesigner-profi
created:Date 2019-05-30
Website Demo external
(0 votes)
j3.x -j4.x

With 'Addon Coupons extra fields' easily extend function the coupon at the store.
Addon supports automatic generation of coupons that allows you to create coupons to all users

Developer: webdesigner-profi
created:Date 2019-03-17
Website Demo external

Ajax Cart (Addon ajax cart / module ajax cart)

Add product to cart without reloading the page (ajax).
The choice of attributes and quantity in the list of products (screenshot 2).
Popup message after added to cart (screenshot 7).

Developer: webdesigner-profi
created:Date 2019-03-13
Website Demo external

Addon show price savings (economy) for products with Old price.

Developer: webdesigner
created:Date 2019-03-02
Website Demo external

Backup JoomShopping Database and Files (no php Script).
To restore just install the zip file.

Warning: Restore removes all the old Data.

Developer: webdesigner-profi
created:Date 2019-02-15
Website Demo external

Vina Product Tiled for JShopping is a great module for Joomla 3 to display products of JoomShopping Component in a responsive scroller and you can control number of row, column to display. .

Developer: VinaGecko
created:Date 2018-02-15
Website Demo external