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Downloads: 6
(0 votes)
J4.x & J5.x
ochElements - Editors xtd plugin

Editor Plugin to easily add tags in the text area for the following OCH plugins: ochOpenGraph / ochJSsocials / ochCall2Action / ochFoundation5 / ochSubscriptionsTools

Developer: OnlineCommunityHub
created:Date 2024-01-23
Website Demo external
(0 votes)
j3.x -j4.x

Editor Button is easy to insert Font Awesome into your article

Developer: foobla
created:Date 2019-09-19
Website Demo external
(1 vote)
j3.x -j4.x

A simple System Plugin for Joomla that enables you to write any Mathematical Equation inside Joomla Articles . The plugin is based on the LaTeX equation editor and can be used to insert any kind of complex equations.

created:Date 2018-09-21
Website Demo external
(0 votes)
j3.x -j4.x

DropEditor brings to you and your users a unique experience in Joomla content edition.

Developer: JoomUnited
created:Date 2017-04-30
Website Demo external
(0 votes)
j3.x -j4.x

The ARK Editor (formally known as the JCK Editor) is an WYSIWYG editor designed to simplify your content creation. It incorporates a new technology called Inline Editing that allows its users to edit page elements directly without the need to use a special editing screen. For this reason it can transform Joomla sites and make them incredibly easy-to-use!

Developer: Webx
created:Date 2017-01-26
Website Demo external
zip5JCE Pro2.9.82 HOT
(7 votes)
j3.x -j4.x

An award-winning, configurable WYSIWYG editor for Joomla! based on Moxiecode's TinyMCE.

Includes advanced Image, File and Link handling, plugin support, and an Administration interface for editor configuration.

Developer: Ryan Demmer
created:Date 2017-01-26
Website Demo external