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Downloads: 7
(0 votes)
j3.x -j4.x
Bad Words DJ-Classifieds App

The Bad Words App for DJ-Classifieds can be used to filter the adverts with particular words of your choice and stop auto-publishing of the advert. When the App is activated, it searches for the filtered word in adverts title or description.

Developer: DJ-Extensions
created:Date 2023-10-21
Website Demo external
(0 votes)
j3.x -j4.x
Coupons App for DJ-Classifieds

This apps brings discount coupons functionality to DJ-Classifieds. Now you can create unlimited amount of coupons and share them with your customers.

Developer: DJ-Extensions
created:Date 2023-10-20
Website Demo external
Conditional Fields App for DJ-Classifieds

Conditional Fields provides the possibility to manage and use the conditional field feature. Users can decide and set a dependency when the custom field is displayed.

Developer: DJ-Extensions
created:Date 2023-09-13
Website Demo external
SJ Quickview for DJ-Classifieds

Sj Quickview for DJ-Classifieds Component is a great Joomla plugin for DJ-Classifieds that gives visitors a quick view on an ads without leaving the current page by using popup window.

Developer: SmartAddons
created:Date 2023-09-11
(0 votes)
j3.x -j4.x
SJ Super Category for DJ-Classifieds

Sj Super Category for DJ-Classifieds Component is released for users who use classified ads extension: DJ-Classifieds.

Developer: SmartAddons
created:Date 2023-04-03
Website Demo external
(0 votes)
j3.x -j4.x
DJ-Classifieds integrator

DJ-Classifieds2 Integrator plugin works with YOOTheme Page Builder & DJ-Classifieds extension only!

Create your classifieds website with the help of DJ-Classifieds and Yootheme’s Page builder.

Developer: DJ-Extensions
created:Date 2022-12-06
Website Demo external
(0 votes)
j3.x -j4.x
Attachments App for DJ-Classifieds

Attachments app lets your users add attachments to any advert.

If you ever wondered if it's possible to allow users to add file attachments to DJ-Classifieds adverts, it's now possible.

Developer: DJ-Extensions
created:Date 2022-09-04
Website Demo external