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Route 66 Route 66 PRO HOT
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File Details
Created 2021-06-01
Updated: 2024-07-22
Version 1.9.12
Developer: Firecoders
Size 311 B
Author joompaid
Downloads 111
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Beautiful SEF URLs, SEO content analysis by Yoast, Google PageSpeed optimization, Facebook Instant Articles and XML Sitemaps for Joomla! Route 66 PRO supports Joomla! content, K2, Virtuemart, and HikaShop.

Flexible SEF URLs definition using patterns

Route 66 allows you to define your site SEF URLs using patterns and not be restricted by limited URL options! Patterns can include any URL friendly character along with some tokens for generating dynamic variables ( like the article's date for example ). Here are some examples of URL patterns you can use in Route 66:

  • blog/{articleYear}/{articleMonth}/{articleAlias}
  • {categoryAlias}/{articleAlias}
  • {articleAlias}
  • page-{articleId}
  • {categoryPath}/{articleAlias}

It's that simple to add SEF URLs to your site with Route 66. Check out the documentation to see a list of all available tokens for the extensions that Route 66 supports. Last but not least, Route 66 allows you to define different pattern per language when multiple languages are enabled to your site.

SEO Content Analysis by Powered by Yoast

Route 66 can analyze your site's content and provide suggestions for improving the SEO score of individual articles (or K2 items) right into the article (item) edit form! The SEO analysis is powered by the famous Yoast SEO engine. Not using Joomla Articles or K2? No problem! The PRO version of Route 66 allows you to perform SEO content analysis for ANY page in your Joomla site! Just enter the URL of the page you want to test and the SEO keyword! This feature works with all components, including but not limited to Virtuemart, Hikashop, JEvents, EasyBlog, eShop etc.

Exceptional performance

Unlike bulky SEF extensions that can store thousands of URLs to your site's database, Route 66 offers dynamic and high performance URL generation. In short, Route 66 will not impact your website’s performance.

Duplicate URLs handling - Canonical Links

If Route 66 detects any duplicate URLs it will redirect to the canonical URL automatically. Let's say for example that you have an article with ID 9 and alias "have-a-nice-day" . Let's also assume that you have set up Route 66 using the pattern story/{articleAlias}. The generated URL will be story/have-a-nice-day . URLs like the following which lead to the same article will get redirected to story/have-a-nice-day:

  • index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=9:have-a-nice-day
  • component/content/article/9-have-a-nice-day
  • menu-alias/article/9-have-a-nice-day

For optimal SEO, Route 66 automatically adds the canonical url to the page header. This is especially important when pages utilize query and/or anchor variables appended to the URL (story/have-a-nice-day?modal=welcome ).

Route 66 PRO SEF URLs are implemented for the core Joomla! content extensions ( articles, categories and tags ) as well as for K2, Virtuemart and HikaShop.

Google PageSpeed Optimization

Route 66 now can optimize your site to achieve a high score at Google PageSpeed! Route 66 follows the Google PageSpeed recommendations to make your Joomla site get ranked high by Google. Since version 1.7.0 Route 66 can lazy load the images and the iframes of your site!

Facebook Instant Articles

Route 66 now supports Facebook Instant Articles! It allows you to generate a feed of Facebook Instant Articles based on your site's content. You can also filter the feed articles based on categories. Finally, Route 66 comes with built-in integration for Google Analytics and Google DFP!
Note that Facebook Instant Articles work only for Joomla! articles and K2 Items.

XML and Google News Sitemaps

Make it easier for Google and other search engines to discover your site content with XML sitemaps. Route 66 can generate those sitemaps for you! It allows you to filter the sitemap content based on categories. The sitemap can include entries from Joomla! articles, Menu items, K2 Items, Virtuemart Products and Hikashop Products.


Comments (4)

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please update to 1.9.12

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Please update to 1.9.5

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Please fix!
404 - File or directory not found.

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hi solved

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