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Only registered and logged in users can download files from this category.
Downloads: 10
(0 votes)
j3.x -j4.x

Multicategories app lets your users add one advert to unlimited number of additional categories so one advert will be visible and searchable in more than one category.
With this application you're no more limited to one category for and advert. Administrator is able to set the maximum amount of categories one advert can be added to.
When adding the advert user will see exactly same form as usual with option to choose the main category as

Developer: DJ-Extensions
created:Date 2020-06-09
Website Demo external

Subscription plans app lets you create unlimited plans for your users.

This way instead of paying for each advert seperately you can offer your users plans that will cover most popular needs on your website!

You can also decide which plan is available for which Joomla user group (ACL), so for example your business users can see and use different plans than regular users.

Developer: dj-extensions
created:Date 2020-06-01
Website Demo external
(0 votes)
j3.x -j4.x

What is AltaUserPoints?

AltaUserPoints provides a powerful user points, medals and ranking application for Joomla and provides a method for users to accumulate points for performing certain actions on the website such as posting articles, inviting new users, inviting people to read an article, and now for earning points for actions in DJ-Classifieds. AltaUserPoints is a great addition to Joomla website to

Developer: dj-extensions
created:Date 2020-05-11
Website Demo external
(0 votes)
j3.x -j4.x

Invoices App integrates DJ-Classifieds with JoomlaThat’s Invoice Manager extension.
With this integration you’ll be able to generate invoices for payments made in DJ-Classifieds by your users.

Developer: DJextensions
created:Date 2020-04-22
Website Demo external
(0 votes)
j3.x -j4.x

Add superpowers to DJ-Classifieds and make it blazing fast with AJAX

Ajax Search App for DJ-Classifieds changes the way your users can search for ads.

With this application, you can let them filter the search without site reloading!

Developer: dj-extensions
created:Date 2020-04-18
Website Demo external

Bitcoin payment plugin for DJ-Classifieds

Developer: dj-extensions
created:Date 2020-03-07
Website Demo external
(0 votes)
j3.x -j4.x

The Offers App for DJ-Classifieds extends the functionality of DJ-Classifieds by giving users possibility of offering their own prices for an item. It's not the same as auctions. Offers don't have to be monetary. There's a simple form when a user can write his offer (for example 100 USD and an iPhone). Only the advertiser can see received offers.

The offers are visible only to the advertiser and are not presented on the Advert page, so only the

Developer: dj-extensions.com
created:Date 2019-11-30
Website Demo external
(0 votes)
j3.x -j4.x

Keep the light version of deleted Adverts! The new App for DJ-Classifieds - Ghost Ads was just published.

The “Ghost Ads” App allows keeping the adverts online even when they were deleted by the user. The administrator can then decide if he wants to keep the advert as a Ghost Ad or to delete it completely.

Great feature for improved SEO to keep your good performing URLs that bring the traffic active.

Developer: dj-extensions
created:Date 2019-08-24
Website Demo external
(0 votes)
j3.x -j4.x

Search Alerts App for DJ-Classifieds will allow you to get more active users and keep them coming back every time something they are looking for was submitted to classified ads section of your website.

With Search Alerts users can save their searches and once the new advert with the criteria is submitted to the website - users will be notified via email.

Developer: dj-extensions.
created:Date 2019-02-13
Website Demo external
(1 vote)
j3.x -j4.x

DJ-Messages is easy to setup Joomla PMS (Private Messaging System) that lets website users communicate with each other by using a simple inbox/outbox solution.
It is also integrated with DJ-Classifieds out of the box.

Developer: dj-extensions
created:Date 2018-09-21
Website Demo external