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Downloads: 32
Real Testimonials Pro - Simply Collect Manage and Display Testimonials

Create easily a great looking Testimonials Page or Section on your
WordPress site in a few minutes with an intuitive and stylish admin interface.

Developer: realtestimonials
created:Date 2025-01-18
Website Demo external
(0 votes)
WP Abstracts Pro WordPress plugin

Use WP Abstracts to accept and manage abstracts and peer reviews on your Wordpress website. This easy to use plugin allows you to create conferences and accept submissions from a responsive front-end dashboard

Developer: wpabstracts
created:Date 2025-01-12
Website Demo external
(0 votes)
MainWP Comments Extension

Managing comments across various client websites can be daunting for web developers. Logging into each site separately to moderate comments consumes a lot of time. The MainWP Comments Extension provides a centralized solution, enabling you to handle WordPress comments from all your Child Sites in one place.

Developer: MainWP
created:Date 2024-12-10
Website Demo external
wpDiscuz - The Best WordPress Comment Plugin

wpDiscuz 7  is a revolutionary perspective on the commenting world! This plugin changes your website discussion experience and provides you with new user engagement features. It’s totally improved with brand new  innovative features bringing live to your website.

Developer: wpdiscuz.com
created:Date 2024-07-22
Website Demo external
(0 votes)
PrivateContent - Multilevel Content Plugin

PrivateContent is a powerful, yet easy, solution to boost wordpress, turning it into a true multilevel membership platform.

Complete users management, a modern form framework and a unique engine to restrict any part of your website. Everything without coding skills!

Developer: LCweb
created:Date 2024-02-21
Website Demo external
The Team Pro - Team Showcase WordPress Plugin

AWSM Team Pro is the most versatile WordPress plugin available to create and manage your Team page.

Developer: awsmin
created:Date 2024-02-18
Website Demo external
Account Switcher for WordPress Multiple accounts plugin

With Account Switcher, you can add a new and super feature to your sites, especially by eliminating a big deficiency of your social WordPress sites. Account Switcher offers you the convenience of logging in with more than one account and switching between accounts on a device you see on many popular social media sites.

Developer: BeycanPress
created:Date 2023-11-21
Website Demo external
Youzify formerly Youzer - BuddyPress Community WordPress User Profile Plugin

Welcome to a new era of WordPress communities and user profiles! Youzify is the number one BuddyPress plugin on Envato Market, and thousands of customers agree that it takes your online community to the next level.

Developer: KaineLabs
created:Date 2023-08-05
Website Demo external
Let s Review WordPress Plugin With Affiliate Options

     Let’s Review is a WordPress review plugin to add beautiful responsive and modern review boxes with valid JSON-LD schema to your posts. It is Gutenberg ready and adds various exclusive Gutenberg review blocks, making it easier than ever before to add beautiful and comprehensive review boxes.

Developer: codetipi
created:Date 2023-07-28
Website Demo external
(0 votes)
ARMember- -WordPress-Membership-Plugin

ARMember is a WordPress membership plugin, a One Stop Solution to sell WordPress subscriptions, user registration plugin, user profiles and a lot more without having any advanced knowledge of programming

Developer: reputeinfosystems
created:Date 2023-07-22
Website Demo external
Restrict Content Pro - The easy membership plugin for WordPress
Restrict Content Pro
A full-featured, strong membership answer for WordPress.
Lock away you extraordinary content. Give access in accordance with rich members.

See half over the applications under or examine from what companies have confidence Restrict Content Pro
Developer: Restrictcontentpro
created:Date 2023-06-15
Website Demo external
(0 votes)
Profile Builder Pro WordPress Plugin

Hello! Do YOU want to customize your website by adding front-end registration, profile and login forms ? (*)
You can use Profile Builder - the Profile Plugin for WordPress.

Developer: cozmoslabs
created:Date 2023-06-04
Website Demo external
(0 votes)

Ultimate Membership Pro is the well recognized and the superior WordPress Membership Plugin to that amount allow ye after propagate and action along multi-level exclusive get entry to for your Users based totally of easy Free packages and Payed packages.

Developer: azzaroco
created:Date 2023-05-09
Website Demo external
(0 votes)
MemberPress WordPress Plugin

MemberPress is an easy in imitation of makes use of WordPress Membership Plugin. It choice help you after instantly begin charging you users because get right of entry to in accordance with thy content.

Developer: MemberPress
created:Date 2023-05-02
Website Demo external
(0 votes)
LearnDash Notes

The LearnDash Notes plugin is an on-site note taking system. The site administrator can choose the post types to display the note taking ability on a website. The notepad interface is visually rich and user-friendly.

Developer: learndash
created:Date 2023-04-24
Website Demo external
(0 votes)

Need in conformity with enable users in accordance with submit applications? Upload resumes? Other documents so much are mission-critical after you enterprise or organization?

Developer: ninjaforms
created:Date 2022-06-30
Website Demo external
(0 votes)

Our Developer Tools Add-On extends the services about MemberPress by enabling a complete Rest API yet Webhooks for superior integration along custom articles and features kind of Zapier.

Developer: memberpress
created:Date 2022-06-20
Website Demo external
(0 votes)

If you run a membership site, chances are you’ve gotten requests for PDF invoices at some point in time.

Developer: memberpress
created:Date 2022-04-30
Website Demo external
(0 votes)

Quickly create online courses with our new Courses Add-on for WishList Member.

Developer: member.
created:Date 2022-04-04
Website Demo external
(0 votes)

With the friends extension you can increase user interaction on your site by

Developer: ultimatemember
created:Date 2022-03-02
Website Demo external
(0 votes)

Increase engagement and allow users to interact with each other by adding an activity system to your site

Developer: ultimatemember
created:Date 2022-03-02
Website Demo external
(0 votes)

Ultimate Member offers a range of features including user profiles, member directories, user registration/login, user role editing, content restriction.

Developer: ultimatemember
created:Date 2022-02-27
Website Demo external
(0 votes)

Allow users to create public and private notes from their profile.

Developer: ultimatemember
created:Date 2022-02-21
Website Demo external
(0 votes)

FluentCRM is a Self Hosted Email Marketing Automation Plugin for WordPress.

Developer: fluentcrm
created:Date 2022-02-07
Website Demo external
(0 votes)

Wordpress User Extra Field plugin enhances your WordPress installation by allowing to associate extra user profile fields for registered users.

Developer: codecanyon
created:Date 2021-12-20
Website Demo external
(0 votes)

SamCart is a hosted purchasing cart timbered by way of marketers, because of marketers. It is optimized for conversions hence as like to expand your volume revenue.

Developer: learndash
created:Date 2021-09-27
Website Demo external
(0 votes)

The MainWP Sucuri Extension utilizes Sucuri’s proprietary SiteCheck Tool after scan thy sites. SiteCheck provides web-based malware scanning over thy web sites the use of the present day between fingerprinting technology.

Developer: mainwp
created:Date 2021-09-14
Website Demo external
UserPro- -Community-and-User-Profile-WordPress-Plugin

Create beautiful front-end consumer profiles and community web sites in WordPress using UserPro.


Developer: codcanyon
created:Date 2021-07-17
Website Demo external

Digits let you person signup on thy internet site virtually along theirs mobile number. No greater checking emails. Just SMS In it speedy world, no certain has time after SignUp on your website the usage of standard email, because this is now not the unaccompanied step involved, user has after log of the email tale – start email – click on on the verification hyperlink in imitation of verify the e-mail yet then he/she gets access in accordance with the account about you website

Developer: codecanyon
created:Date 2021-06-12
Website Demo external
(0 votes)

User Profiles Made Easy (UPME) is a fulfilled featured front-end profile, login or determination plugin because WordPress. It is user-friendly, absolutely Genial and event with someone theme.

Developer: codecanyon
created:Date 2021-06-02
Website Demo external
(0 votes)

With Groups File Access you may grant file downloads for Premium Members then enable only registered customers according to down load documents from your site.

Developer: codcanyon
created:Date 2021-05-31
Website Demo external

Add modal login, register, forgotten password types in accordance with you WordPress site, customise current user sake email, guard determination including Google reCAPTCHA or more.

Developer: codecanyon
created:Date 2021-04-11
Website Demo external