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Integrate Google Drive PRO - Complete Google Drive Integration for WordPress
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Integrate Google Drive PRO - Complete Google Drive Integration for WordPress
File Details
Created 2024-03-07
Updated: 2024-03-07
Version 1.3.7
Developer: SoftLab
Size 2.81 MB
Author Azrolan
Downloads 2
Website Demo external

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Integrate Google Drive is the most advanced plugin to access your important Google Drive files & folders directly on your WordPress website. Even if you have zero knowledge of coding, you are up to using the plugin without any difficulties or hassle. Browse, manage, embed, display, upload, download, search, play, and share almost everything to your WordPress website that you were doing inside of your Google Drive

Amazing Drive
Integration Features

We provide the best and most productive integrations for Google Drive. You are near to discovering some coolest features of Integrate Google Drive & easiest way to connect with us. Join the party now!

Google Drive Integration with Media Library

Integrating Google Drive with WordPress Media Library, allows you to use Google Drive files as media attachments directly in WordPress. This integration facilitates easy uploading, importing, and synchronizing of media content between WordPress and Google Drive, streamlining your digital asset management and enhancing your websites media capabilities.

File Browser

Display your cloud files via an interactive File Browser. The file browser can have a grid thumbnail and list view for the Google Drive files you are browsing. It’s the simplest solution to manage your cloud files easily & efficiently.

File Uploader

Integrate Google Drive features a user-friendly file uploader to upload files into the Google Drive cloud platform from your website. Users can see an upload progress bar, file name, cancel uploading action, and media preview for improved interactions.


The Photo Gallery Module feature of the plugin can display your Google Drive images on your website in a masonry grid layout with a lightbox preview. This module lets you create a stunning photo gallery and display it to your users.


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