Only VIP and logged in users can download this file. Login OR Register Now.
My ShortList is ideal for websites featuring a number of products, article series, advertisements, events or more, from which a visitor would like to add to their cart/wishlist/favourites!
My ShortList is great for its simplicity. It uses cookies to store the favourite articles for non-logged-in visitors and database records for logged-in users, and it works out of the box!
- K2 Compatible
- ZOO Compatible
- EventBooking Compatible
- Virtuemart Compatible
- CommunityBuilder Compatible
- JomSocial Compatible
- SobiPro Compatible
- AdsManager (1.5, 2.5) Compatible
- JobBoard Compatible
- NS Pro Compatible
- AcyMailing Compatible
- MosetsTree Compatible
- JEA Compatible
- jDownloads Compatible
- AcePolls Compatible
Please feel free to ask for compatibility with a component of your needs. Also note that some components may have changed their structure in Joomla 3. Please notify me and I will make MyShortlist compatible with those versions, too.
My ShortList can be used more than once in a site, to produce as many "shortlists" as you want!
(Example: Things I bought, Things I want etc)