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JUX Mega JUX Mega Menu HOT
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j3.x -j4.x
File Details
Created 2021-11-01
Updated: 2024-06-25
Version 3.4.2
Developer: JoomlaUX
Size 1.6 MB
Author joompaid
Downloads 116
Website Demo external

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JUX Mega Menu is responsive and the most completed Joomla menu module developed by JoomlaUX team which allows you to display a ton of content in menu items including text, images, module, and articles. It works beautifully with Joomla 3.x.

Support multiple types of contents

JUX Mega Menu is a type of drop-down menu like other basic menu modules. But what making it different from another traditional drop-down style menu is that the module allows you to display a ton of content in menu items including text, images, module, or articles.

Fully responsive

JUX Mega Menu is a mobile-ready module and it works nicely on any devices such as smartphones or tablets. Just clicks and everything runs smoothly on all devices, even small-sized ones like mobile phones.

Create beautiful menu layout with smooth effects

The menu layout of the JUX Mega menu builds with a full grid system and individual layout control for each menu item. Sub-menus display as the type of standard dropdown menu which loads any kind of content smoothly, scroll down quickly when hovering on.

Ensure great User experience

JUX Mega menu can be displayed in a vertical or horizontal layout. And to ensure great User Experience, it also supports light, fast, beautiful design with different theme color options.

(For optional pre-set style color and custom theme with same features as JUX Mega Menu, you can visit our new extension JUX CSS3 Mega Menu)

Fully controllable in backend

Admin can easily arrange columns, change item’s icon, add an effect of performing any tasks with menu without any hiccup.

Highlight features

  • Support Joomla 3.x
  • Provide multiple layouts & colors to match your templates.
  • Flexible configuration for menu display and performance. Submenu opening direction: Up or down Submenu opening control by mouse click or hover Auto aligns menu: left, right, or center.
  • Compatibility with mobile browsers: iPhone, iPod, Ipad, Android.
  • Support all major web browsers: IE9+, Firefox 2+, Safari 3+, Opera 9+, Chrome
  • Professional source code: XHTML 1.0 Transitional CSS Validates Valid 508 accessibility
  • Well-commented style .css and dropdown_megamenu.css file for manual customization.
  • Support creating a custom layout with customization guidelines.

Comments (2)

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Could you update to version 3.4.2

Geert Tjeerdsma
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hi updated to a newer version.

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