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MediaShop enables you to sell software, documents, or any other type of file on your website.
- Supports PayPal, Skrill (Moneybookers), PayPlug and WorldPay
- Redirects the customer back to a download page after payment
- Also emails the download link to the customer
- Controls link validity time and number of downloads
- Up to four payment options per product
- Advanced product grouping options
- Lots of statistics, reports, and charts
- Also handles free downloads, with statistics
- Detailed logging of all activity
- Administrator can manually create download links in the back end
- Different products can be assigned to different payment accounts, or share payment among several accounts
- Automatically handles completion of pending payments
- Automatically generates invoices
- Product descriptions can include any content plugin (photo galleries, media players, etc)
- Block sales or deliver products manually on a country by country basis
MediaShop is a robust file sales solution that allows you to sell files in all kinds of new and creative ways. Built-in statistics and reporting enable you to monitor and grow your business. As with all our products, usage is fully documented in a large PDF file that you can download for from our website for free.