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Affiliate Trac Affiliate Tracker
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File Details
Created 2019-04-20
Version 2.1.7
Developer: JoomlaThat!
Size 1019.15 KB
Author joompaid
Downloads 95
Website Demo external

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The only Affiliate Program tool for Joomla! Create an affiliate marketing area in your site, compatible with VirtueMart, PayPlans, HikaShop, K2Store, Emerald, OS Membership Pro, AkeebaSubs… Track sales, user registrations, conversions, referrals and reward comissions to your affiliate partners. Track how much traffic and profits are your ads bringing to your site, and monitorize all your incoming visitors from affiliate links.

This is an incredible powerful tool. It includes all the features you look for to deploy a complete Affiliate Program in your Joomla site and start increasing your profits.

You will be able to track any action you are interested in tracking, see how much money it reports you.

It is compatible with main e-commerce extensions so you can start tracking your affiliate sales immediately for VirtueMart, PayPlans, HikaShop, RedShop, K2Store, J2Store, OS Membership Pro, Akeeba Subs, Emerald…

Make beautiful graphic reports with Content Statistics (compatible).

  • Automatic affiliate ID tracking
  • One centralized area for everything: integrates with VirtueMart, PayPlans, HikaShop, RedShop, K2Store, J2Store, OS Membership Pro, Akeeba Subs, Emerald...
  • Multiple accounts & comissions per affiliate possible
  • Multi-level affiliates (multi-tier), no level limit
  • Define your own conversion types (simple API provided)
  • Pay your affiliates online (PayPal, Stripe)
  • Customizable affiliate trackable URLs

Front-End (what your affiliates will see)

-Users can apply to be affiliates
-Users can request multiple accounts (different IDs, different tracking links)
-Affiliates can view conversions approved
-Affiliates can view commissions earned
-Affiliates can view log of traffic they generated
-Affiliates can view payment history

Back-End (what you, the site admin, will see)

-See all user accounts, approve or reject them
-Set the comission per account, independantly (different accounts can have different comissions assigned, percentage or flat rate).
-See all account generated traffic
-See conversions generated, approve or reject them, set their comission.
-You can manually set any comission or number at any point
-Get notified by e-mail when users apply for new accounts, or when new conversions are achieved.
-Create multiple payouts for multiple comissions for your affiliates, pay them online when you want.

-Track all referrals, see the IPs, see the referer links
-Filter results and search by date range, account, user...
-Integrated with VirtueMart
-Integrated with HikaShop
-Integrated with RedShop
-Integrated with PayPlans
-Integrated with K2Store
-Integrated with Emerald
-Integrated with OS Membership Pro
-Integrated with Akeeba Subscriptions
-Integrated with Joomla users (track user registrations)


Comments (1)

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An update would be really appreciated! This is the best affiliate extension for joomla. Available in version 4.x

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