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j3.x -j4.x
File Details
Created 2018-03-06
Updated: 2020-11-16
Version 1.1
Developer: joomlart
Size 3.51 MB
Author joompaid
Downloads 222
Website Demo external

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Joomla Admin Template - JA Admin is designed with improved UI & UX and additional advanced features to manage your Joomla backend with ease. Administrator can build profile dashboard for each backend user groups. The profile dashboard is easy to manage: enable or disable any admin module or quick links. The Search feature helps you find and access any element inside the admin panel. Best of all, its now very easy to whitelabel Joomla Backend and control who gets to see what in the backend.

New features and preset modules support for popular extensions coming up in next few days. Current release is a alpha version, use wisely.

What's Included : Unlimited installations & Unlimited Domain support included in the price.


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404 download file

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impossible to dowload the file : error server

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Now it is okay! Thanks!

Puszta Richárd
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Hello, I can't download. Dailed link. Please update the download link.

Puszta Richárd
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