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KL Admin S KL Admin Skin HOT
(0 votes)
j3.x -j4.x
File Details
Created 2018-02-05
Updated: 2021-07-28
Version 3.7.1
Size 413.26 KB
Author joompaid
Downloads 242

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Highly customizable plugin that provides a rich toolset to customize your Joomla! administration look & feel.

Save Time with a Simplified Customization

The KL Admin Skin plugin is for those who want to give their websites a more personalised and unique administration area.

With the help of KL Admin Skin and without any need of custom coding, in a couple of minutes, you will have a styled & unique Joomla! administration area.

KL Admin Skin allows you to remove all Joomla! logos and insert your own logos, change colors and backgrounds, you will be able to replace some default tags with messages to your client and links.

Now, with more than 70 customizable features to reflect your spirit and to turn Joomla! administration more enjoyable!

Just set your preferences and enjoy it!

What About If You Administer Multiple Sites?

Backup & Restore tools let you easly export KL Admin Skin settings, that you can restore them from at any time without configuring them again. You can use this backup to easily configure KL Admin Skin on multiple sites.
We make your job easier.

Built in with 24 color adjustment presets.

With just a single click you will be able to completely change your Joomla! administration appearance.
The only limit is your imagination!

Includes a New Offline Overrider Option

With Offline Overrider new option, you simply set a override key and add it to the url in your browser.
Now you can navigate as a guest user keeping your site offline.

KL Admin Skin is fully translated in more than 15 languages!*

Afrikaans, Chinese (traditional), Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Malay, Polish, Portuguese (Portugal & Brazil), Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Tamil and Flemish.

Latest KL Admin Skin Versions

  • version 3.5.1 for Joomla! 3.x*
  • version 1.1 for Joomla! 2.5

KL Admin Skin Features List Joomla! 3.x

Login Options

Background Options


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