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RSComme RSComments!
(0 votes)
j3.x -j4.x
File Details
Created 2020-05-08
Updated: 2023-10-29
Version 1.14.1
Developer: rsjoomla
Size 875.21 KB
Author joompaid
Downloads 63
Website Demo external

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» Compatible with Joomla! 3.x


» Integrates with Joomla! articles
» System Plugin allows placement of comments in 3rd party extensions
» Spam and flood protection
» Back-end editor button for enabling comments
» Integration with Akismet
» Built-in CAPTCHA and reCAPTCHA integration
» Accepts avatars from Gravatar, CB, JomSocial and Kunena
» Custom layouts to display the comments
» E-mail notifications
» Voting on comments
» Smilies & BBcode
» Ajax validation when submitting comments
» Censor words
» Enable RSS on comments
» Groups with permissions
» Easy import from 3rd party commenting components
» Global mask for date and time
» Configurable comment messages: closed, denied, notification, subscription
» Subscribing to threads
» Terms and conditions
» File uploads
» Limit comment length
» Accordion effect


» Frontend Latest Comments module
» CPanel (backend) Latest Comments module


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