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CSVI Pro for jo CSVI Pro for joomla HOT
(2 votes)
File Details
Created 2017-01-27
Updated: 2024-12-29
Version 8.13
Size 2.37 MB
Author joompaid
Downloads 645
Website Demo external

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CSVI is an import and export component for the Joomla Content Management System. CSVI enables you can import and export data into and from different Joomla components. Every component features its own import and export types to allow control over every part of the component.

Using a system that works based on a set of pre-defined fields you can match your fields with the CSVI fields to ensure a correct import. This way you can import all kinds of files from different kinds of sources, for example from your supplier.

Using the same set of pre-defined fields you can set your own export fields to export for an accounting package, order list, order picking list and many other uses.

CSVI Pro features include:
- Advanced replacement rules
- Import from local computer, from server, URL, and https server
- Export to local computer, Save on server, Save on https server, Email file
- Watermark images
- ICEcat product specifications
- A range of export filters
- A range of import filters
- Cron job support to automate import and export jobs
- Front-end import/export
- CSV, XLS and XML files are supported

CSVI Pro supports the following components:
- VirtueMart 3
- Hikashop
- RSForms! Pro
- K2
- Akeeba Subscriptions
- Product Builder
- Custom Filters
- AwoCoupon Pro
- EZ Realty
- Scroller with Tabs
- FastSeller
- Product Builder
- CSVI Custom
- Joomla Content
- Joomla Categories
- Joomla Menus
- Joomla Users


Comments (18)

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please update to v8.14

Fero G.
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Could you please update to 8.11.2


Mr. Terry K.
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CSVI Pro is now named RO CSVI.
The demo page URL on Joom Extension directory is : https://extensions.joomla.org/extension/ro-csvi/
The developper (ROlandd) page is Here : https://rolandd.com/products/ro-csvi
The extension is compatible J3 J4 and...

CSVI Pro is now named RO CSVI.
The demo page URL on Joom Extension directory is : https://extensions.joomla.org/extension/ro-csvi/
The developper (ROlandd) page is Here : https://rolandd.com/products/ro-csvi
The extension is compatible J3 J4 and J5
It's a verry important extension for hte migrations sites from J3 to J4 J5
It would be verry great and nice if you could update this extension to the 8.1.1 release
Thank you so much in advance

kiss CSVI Pro for joomla 8.13

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Hi. If possible, could you pls update to v8.10.0.
Thanks :-)

Azrolan Admin    Gary
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hi shared

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Could you please update to 8.8.0


Mr. Terry K.
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hi shared

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Could you please update to 8.7.0


Mr. Terry K.
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Could you please update to 8.6.1


Mr. Terry K.
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hi shared

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please update to 8.6

Mr. Terry K.
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hi shared

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hi... any possibility of having 8.4.0 ?
have new features....it will help us migrating k2 to joomla4.
many thanks

Rui MS Moreira
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hi 8.6 version shared

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Can you please update this extension?
in the zip it's version 8.00 not 8.2

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hi . 8.2 shared

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