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Failed Login Attempts Failed Login Attempts Pro
(0 votes)
j3.x -j4.x
File Details
Created 2021-05-27
Version 2.2
Developer: web357.eu
Size 1.52 MB
Author joompaid
Downloads 41
Website Demo external

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Records the failed and the successfully login attempts into the back-end and front-end. Useful for security purposes.


  • Enable logs for backend (Store the logs for failed login attempts in Joomla's back-end).
  • Enable logs for frontend (Store the logs for failed login attempts in Joomla's front-end).
  • Successful Login Attempts (Store the logs for successful login attempts in Joomla front-end).
  • Direct notification via email (Inform Admins for the failed and successfully login attempts).
  • Save Logs to Database (Store the failed and successfully login attempts into the Database).
  • Log Data: IP Address
  • Log Data: Username
  • Log Data: Password
  • Log Data: Date Time
  • Log Data: Country
  • Log Data: Browser
  • Log Data: Operating System

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