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MX Site Tools
(0 votes)
j3.x -j4.x
MX Site Tools
mx site tools 12
File Details
Created 2022-12-25
Updated: 2023-02-17
Version 4.0.3
Developer: Mixwebtemplates
Size 115.48 KB
Author Azrolan
Downloads 35
Website Demo external

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Site Tools joomla module with six elements, No right click, Sticky sidebar, Sticky footer, Light switch, Scroll Reveal, Text animation effects.

Sticky sidebar

    Div or class name
    Margin Top
    Margin Bottom

Sticky footer

    Div or class footer
    Div or class before footer

No Right Click

Disable Mouse Right Click, Text Selection and Keyboard Shortcut Keys.

    Disable Right Click - Yes / No
    Disable Image Right Click - Yes / No
    Disable Image draggin - Yes / No
    Disable Copy paste - CTRL + C - CTRL + V
    Disable Print - CTRL + P
    Disable View source - CTRL + U
    Disable Save - CTRL + S
    Disable CTRL + A
    Disable F12

Scroll to reveal

Item settings

    Div or Class Name

Light switch

Available in three versions. Version one is only for bootstrap 5 templates.

    Horizontal - left / right
    Horizontal position
    Vertical - top / bottom
    Vertical position
    CSS code

Text animation effects

    Div or class name
    Text color
    Text hover color


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