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Joomla Parallax Typed
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Joomla Parallax Typed
Joomla Parallax Typed 12
Joomla Parallax Typed 23
Joomla Parallax Typed 34
Joomla Parallax Typed 45
File Details
Created 2022-10-17
Updated: 2022-10-18
Version 2.1
Size 118.56 KB
Author Azrolan
Downloads 22
Website Demo external

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Responsive and Powerful Parallax Section Builder Module with Beautiful Typewriter Typing Animation Effect for Joomla! Website.

Create an Animated Typewriter Typing Effect that Allows Multi Line Title to be ‘typed out’.

An Easiest Way to Get a Attractive Section with Parallax Background Image Scrolling Effect with Desired Message on your site. Enter a Section Title, and watch it type at the speed you’ve set, backspace what it’s typed, and begin a new sentence for however many strings you’ve set.

Exclusive Feature:

  • Control Section Height and Tittle Font Size According to Device Viewport. ( NEW )
    Title with Animated Typing Effect.

  • HTML markup Support on Top and Bottom Content.

  • Multiple Instances on One Page.

  • Control Section Width, Margin, Padding and Background.

  • Control Typing Speed & Backspacing Speed.
  • Unlimited Successively typed sentence.

  • Typing Content Support HTML and Multi Line Text.

  • Pre & Post Text of Typed Title.

  • Module Style Overrides Available form Template.

  • Support Typing String loop.

  • Joomla 3.7 Ready & Multi-lingual Supported.


  • Control Link Target Type & Logo Width.
  • Pre & Post Text of Typed Title.
  • Full-Width with Custom Content Width.
  • Background Color with Opacity.
  • Support Custom Content with HTML Markup.
  • Super lightweight and easy to use.
  • Control Content Alignment: Left, Center, Right.
  • Link Option for Logo.



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