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j3.x -j4.x
File Details
Created 2022-06-18
Updated: 2022-11-08
Version 3.2.2
Size 41.72 KB
Author joompaid
Downloads 24
Website Demo external

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YRVote is a plugin for Joomla 4 that allows to rate articles and displaying the results of all votes

YRVote can work in two modes,

  • Instead default Joomla Vote plugin
  • Anywhere in the article by inserting {yrwote}

YRVote uses microdata for search engines and ratings  will be displayed with the stars in the search engine results like Google, Bing, etc.

YRVote can work in two modes

  • Instead default Joomla Vote plugin - YRVoe is integrated into the menu options for articles, categories and in the article options.
  • Anywhere in the article by inserting {yrwote}

YRVote include 5 different styles of stars
- Blue
- Red
- Green
- Yellow
- Purple

In the plugin settings you can set the style of the stars and set other parameters
- Show/Hide the total number of votes and ratings
- Color of text
- Displayed text after the vote
- Size of stars
- Alignment (left, right, center)


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hi solved

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