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- Period events (start and end date and selection of weekdays) and/or single dates, time
- Contact information (email, phone, address, venue...)
- Frontend Search Filters
- Frontend submission form
- Registration to events with options
- Export in csv of a list or registrations (with admin filters and options)
- Simple newsletter for registered users
- Back-end Advanced ACL Access Permissions.
- Front-end buttons: Print and Add to Calendar (iCal, Google, Yahoo, Windows Live and Outlook calendars)
- Terms and Conditions option for submission and registration forms.
- Custom Fields (types: text, list, radio buttons, url, email...) for registration and event forms.
- Create individual registration form for any event
- Feature Icons : create icon for a specific characteristic
- You can also insert a Google Map, an image and an attached file.
- The description of the event is using your favorite editor (possibilities to add video, media...).
- Component manages the sharing on facebook, twitter and all the social networks, using AddThis (Optional).