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CW Multicatego CW Multicategories HOT
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j3.x -j4.x
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File Details
Created 2017-03-08
Updated: 2023-11-20
Version 4.3.4
Developer: cesky-web
Size 294.31 KB
Author joompaid
Downloads 316
Website Demo external

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General features

  • ACL included - visible only categories according to user rights
  • AJAX & jQuery powered
  • No problems with SEF
  • Breadcrumbs - showing correct path depending on in which category is the article viewed from (as it can be published in more categories)
  • Works with native Joomla article modules (adding supported 3rd party extensions f.e. News Show Pro GK4, GK5, JComments, ...) - Hint: basically extensions which use native Joomla model to get article list has no trouble with reading multicategorized article
  • Possibility to enable creating canonical urls for articles in multiple categories - for avoiding having duplicate content
  • Ordering for all assigned categories in article - long time demanded feature finally released - see details below in documentation
  • MULTICATEGORY BLOG - new feature - article blog for multiple category selection! (only for J3 version)
  • Creating New Category right in the Category selectbox in article edit - Since version

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sad CW Multicategories 4.3.4

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