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JoomInvoice 1 JoomInvoice 1.1.6
(0 votes)
j3.x -j4.x
File Details
Created 2022-01-20
Size 8.58 MB
Author joompaid
Downloads 73

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JoomInvoices is the best invoice manager for Joomla! CMS. Manage your invoices, quotes, contacts easily and receive payments true Paypal, Stripe and more

Main Features

  • Invoices management
  • Quotes management
  • Contacts management
  • Payments management
  • Accepts online payments: Paypal, Stripe ...
  • Taxes & Currencies management
  • Recurring invoicing support
  • Discounts support
  • Custom invoices & quotes templates
  • Export data to CSV, Excel and PDF
  • Integration with many 3rd party extensions: J2Store, Virtuemart, Easy Social, Community Builder, OS Memebrship, PayPlans, HikaShop ...
  • Products management
  • and more ....

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