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Hot Maps – Download Joomla Google Maps Exten Hot Maps – Download Joomla Google Maps Extension
(0 votes)
j3.x -j4.x
File Details
Created 2020-07-06
Updated: 2020-07-06
Version Latest Version
Developer: hotjoomla
Size 168.54 KB
Author joompaid
Downloads 40
Website Demo external

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Hot Maps module is based on Google Maps API v3 and you have full control over the map style. New version of Hot Maps allows you match the map style with style of your site. You can change map’s colors, enable or disable elements and add multiple markers on the map.

  • MAP ID: If you need multiple maps on a page, please use unique Map ID for each module instance.
  • MODULE WIDTH/HEIGHT: Enter dimensions of the module in pixels (in example 300).
  • MODULE WIDTH UNITS: Select whether to use pixels or percents for map’s width. Percents are appropriate for responsive websites.
  • LOCATION or ADDRESS: Enter a location, in example “copacabana praca do lido” or address, in example “1 Infinite Loop Cupertino CA 95014” . Please use only letters and numbers! Don’t use any special characters!
  • TEXT BEFORE/AFTER MAP: You can enter some text to be displayed above or under the map frame. HTML is allowed here.
  • DISABLE MAP USER INTERFACE: You can disable default Google’s user interface for map control here.
  • ZOOM LEVEL: Enter value for zoom between 1 and 20. Value 1 shows the whole world. Value 20 zooms the selected area at maximum level.

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