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WP Rich Snippets - Wordpress Plugin
(0 votes)
WP Rich Snippets - Wordpress Plugin
File Details
Created 2024-05-06
Updated: 2024-05-06
Version 1.4.9
Developer: wprichsnippets.com
Size 1.24 MB
Author Azrolan
Downloads 1
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add schema structured Markup for better wordpress seo

Add semantic / structural markup

Once your content is marked up, your web site will be more meaningful and accessible by search engines, your pages will be indexed and ranked more relevantly to its search queries.
Enhanced search experience

If your pages are marked correctly, search engines may show rich snippets -detailed information- in search results. These snippets intended to help searchers with specific queries.
Gain more web traffic

Rich snippets help web searchers recognize when your site is relevant to their search, and may result in more clicks to your pages.

 Easy Setup

Install within your WordPress dashboard and configure the plugin with ease.
Extensive Documentation

Getting started is easy. We have got you covered with detailed documentations.
Awesome Support

Sometimes folks get stuck! By being a member, you will enjoy our high class support.
Translation Ready

WP Rich Snippets is ready to be translated into your language.
Extension Add-ons

A useful collection of add-ons, which adds more functionality and integrations.
Schema Types

Support for popular schema.org markup types to implement in your content.
Editor/User Reviews

Different ways to rate and review content (rating, percentage, votes and user aggregate rating).
Made with Love & Coffee!

The WP Rich Snippets plugin is made with love for WordPress and a huge amount of good coffee.


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