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Mx Contact - Quick Contact Joomla Module
(0 votes)
j3.x -j4.x
Mx Contact
File Details
Created 2023-01-17
Updated: 2023-01-17
Version 4.0.3
Developer: Mixwebtemplates
Size 28.25 KB
Author Azrolan
Downloads 34
Website Demo external

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Quick contact module allows to add a custom contact form in any pages you want in your website. The module has three styles: default which is a contact form and popup and popup v2 which will show the form in modal mode. The popup is very handy to use it in every page of your joomla wesbite.



    Agree with terms and condition - Yes/No
    Terms and condition link
    Agree with Privacy Policy - Yes/No
    Privacy Policy link
    Title Text ( for popup )
    Style ( Default / Popup / Popup v2 )
    Background style for Popup v2 ( Light / Dark / Faded dark / Gradient red / Gradient blue / Gradient green / Gradient purple )
    Text Color
    Background Color
    Css Fix - Yes/No
    Admin Email
    Notice Sendmail Success - Text
    Notice Sendmail Failed - Text
    Enable Captcha - Yes/No
    Captcha Question - Text
    Captcha Answer - Text
    Wrong captcha warning text - Text


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