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AA Google Business Rev AA Google Business Reviews
(0 votes)
j3.x -j4.x
File Details
Created 2022-05-11
Updated: 2022-05-12
Version 1.1.3
Developer: aaextensions
Size 1.57 MB
Author joompaid
Downloads 36
Website Demo external

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AA Google Business Reviews is a Joomla Module that shows google reviews for your business.

Note in Mind :

  • You need an API key from google.
  • You need placeid for your business address.

Features it has :

  • Displays 5 Google business reviews ( 5 reviews restricted by Google API )
  • Fetching Review Based on Google API [most relevant reviews]
  • Google Place Information badges
  • Custom review templates – Gallery, List and Slider
  • Review Sliders
  • Review Grid
  • Review List
  • Settings Options
  • Rating Filtering option
  • Trim Long Reviews
  • Easy to use
  • Multi-language support [Coming]
  • Well Online Documentation
  • Works with any template
  • Cross browser support.
  • Mobile adaptive.
  • Simple and Friendly user interface.
  • Ease to use.
  • Animation effects are available.

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