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CW Ratings & Graphs
(0 votes)
j3.x -j4.x
File Details
Created 2022-05-23
Version 2.0.0
Size 311 B
Author joompaid
Downloads 21

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Surprisingly easy way to work with ANIMATED RATINGS & GRAPHS in Joomla Articles!

Easy Animated Ratings & Graphs for Joomla Articles. Very effective way to display ratings & graphs inside Joomla Article's content. You will love it!


  • Simplest and fastest Ratings & Graphs for Joomla Articles
  • Manage Ratings & Graphs right on the article edit page inside the content
  • Unlimited Multiple instances inside one article
  • Circle or Bar graphs layout
  • jQuery powered
  • As simple as possible to be user friendly!
  • Yet offering powerfull features - lot of options available to set
  • Responsive output display
  • Easily customized layout via CSS styles

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