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The Official Joomla! The Official Joomla! Book
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Created 2021-02-10
Developer: amazon
Size 8.65 MB
Author joompaid
Downloads 38
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The Official Joomla! Book is the authoritative, and comprehensive Joomla! reference for every administrator, developer, designer, and content manager. Distilling the unsurpassed experience of two long-time Joomla! contributors, it teaches exactly what you need to know, through practical example sites and crystal-clear explanations.

If you're new to Joomla!, you'll learn how to quickly create usable, effective sites. If you're an experienced Joomla! user, you'll learn how to make your sites more flexible, feature-rich, visually attractive, and useful. And whether new or experienced, you'll learn how Joomla! really works, so you can fully leverage its power whenever you're ready. You'll also get to know the Joomla! community by hearing from twelve community members through in-depth interviews, and you'll learn how to participate in the Joomla! project in ways that make sense for you.

The Official Joomla! Book covers everything from installation to usability, templates to extensions. The authors explain each key concept conversationally, helping you learn to help yourself and confidently gain control over Joomla! and the sites you build with it. They also present chapter-length application case studies for business, non-profits, and education. You will learn how to

-Plan sites effectively before you start building them

-Create production sites quickly while avoiding common mistakes

-Install and configure Joomla! for maximum efficiency

-Create and edit content for your Joomla! site

-Customize and work with Joomla! templates

-Work with extensions: components, modules, plugins, and languages

-Efficiently administer Joomla! sites

-Participate in the Joomla! community as a user and contributor


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