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RSPenta! - Responsive Template for Joomla
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RSPenta - Responsive Template for Joomla
File Details
Created 2024-02-18
Version 1.0.27
Developer: RSJoomla
Size 4.74 MB
Author Azrolan
Downloads 2
Website Demo external

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Need to present your business offer in a coherent, yet eye-catching manner that will inspire credibility to potential customers? RSPenta! is the right way to go!

RSPenta! Features

    Completely adaptable layout
    Re-arrangable module positions
    Built on Bootstrap
    22 color schemes
    600 Google fonts
    Social links

    Choose your own logo
    Beautiful front-page slideshow
    'Call to action' boxes
    Pricing tables
    Tabs & accordions
    Full-width carousel

    RSMediaGallery! compatibility
    Powered by HTML5
    Modern browser support
    High-resolution tablets support


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