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Word count for articles
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J4.x & J5.x
Word count for articles
Word count for articles12
File Details
Created 2024-03-10
Updated: 2024-03-11
Version 1.1
Developer: kun´ēzē
Size 34.91 KB
Author Azrolan
Downloads 9
Website Demo external

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Display a list of articles on a Joomla website, who wrote them and (optionally) a link to the each article, and the word count for each article. A “word” is defined as a string of text with a space (or multiple spaces, including non-breaking spaces) following it. You can choose to analyse the word count for published and archived articles or include trashed and unpublished articles in the analysis. The module lists the articles in descending order (i.e. the longest articles to the shortest) together with the word count for each article and and produces a statistical analysis of the number of articles (|x|), mean word count per article (x̄) and standard deviation (σ).



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