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JSN PowerAdmin 2 JSN PowerAdmin 2 Pro
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j3.x -j4.x
File Details
Created 2021-07-15
Updated: 2021-12-05
Version 1.1.12
Developer: JoomlaShine
Size 311 B
Author joompaid
Downloads 44
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JSN PowerAdmin 2 is our favourite Joomla! admin tool that helps to boost your work performance and make the administration area simpler. The more convenient Joomla! Backend is, the more time and efforts you can save when building and managing a website. JSN PowerAdmin 2 is promised to bring a good start for every Joomla users. Use it, and you will master your Joomla! sites like an expert.

Enhanced Menu Management

A menu panel is available to give you a quick access to edit and add more menu items without many complicated steps.

New Editor Switcher

You can change the editor immediately in the panel without going back to the User Manager or Global Configuration page.

Innovative Admin Bar

The Admin Bar allows you to handle quick actions which are not available in the Joomla! default backend such as search items, view history, etc.

Live Mode View

The Live Mode view shows all module positions that appear exactly in the current template, and you can edit them right away.

Better Menu Management

JSN PowerAdmin 2 enables you to manage all menus in one simple Menu panel. You can also create a new menu conveniently here.

Joomla! 3.x Support

It is compatible with Joomla 3.7+ and works well with all popular Joomla extensions.

Site Reset Option

Resetting a website becomes much easier than ever with only one simple button. No need any single code line.


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