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Komento Komento Wall
(0 votes)
j3.x -j4.x
File Details
Created 2021-06-07
Version 1.3
Developer: joomlaxtc
Size 547.19 KB
Author joompaid
Downloads 27
Website Demo external

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The Komento Comment Wall module gives you the power to display Komento Comments with your custom CSS and HTML in a module position.


  • Supports multiple module copies with different configurations
  • Arrange comment data in columns, rows and grids with one or more pages
  • 42 button sets included
  • 34 built-in templates
  • 21 data tags to display information such as title, links, alias, avatars and more
  • JXTC Showcase Library for Sliders, Tooltips, Pop-ups and more animation effects
  • 100% Joomla Moo compatible effects
  • Fully customizable Main and More Area HTML/CSS templates

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