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ECC+ - EasyCalcCheck Plus Pro
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ECC - EasyCalcCheck Plus Pro
File Details
Created 2023-12-22
Updated: 2023-12-27
Developer: Kubik-Rubik
Size 311 B
Author Azrolan
Downloads 27
Website Demo external

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Enhance your website's security with EasyCalcCheck Plus, a powerful plugin to protect your registration and contact forms from spam threats. This plugin works by incorporating a simple arithmetic task, a feature known to deter spambots effectively.

For added security, the plugin allows you to activate a hidden field and impose a time limit for form submission. The hidden input field is particularly effective against spambots, which typically fill in every available field, hidden or not, whereas regular users do not see or interact with it. The time limit further bolsters protection by restricting too-fast submissions, a common characteristic of bot activity.

When internal spam protection falls short, EasyCalcCheck Plus integrates seamlessly with external anti-spam services like Akismet, Mollom, and others.

But the utility of EasyCalcCheck Plus extends beyond spam protection. It offers backend security via a token system and guards against SQL injection threats, delivering a comprehensive security solution for your site.

EasyCalcCheck Plus has been honed and improved over several years, incorporating support for popular form components like FoxContact, Kunena Forum, FlexiContact, and DFContact. Its adaptable design allows for quick and easy extension to other components, offering a robust defence against spam messages and registrations caused by spambots.

As a testament to its effectiveness, EasyCalcCheck Plus holds a top position in the captcha category on Joomla! Extension Directory. Thanks to its continual development, optimization, and user-centric approach, it ranks among the best-rated extensions overall.

The plugin's continuous development journey includes bug fixes and the addition of support for various 3rd party extensions, such as ALFContact, JomSocial, and Virtuemart.

Choose EasyCalcCheck Plus to secure your website and enjoy a spam-free, seamless user experience.




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