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Notify your joomla users about promotions or important notices
There are several ready-made layout templates for you to create your notification quickly. The options range from layouts containing only texts to layouts with animated image, exit buttons, countdown timer and discount coupon.
- External area
- In the external area of the notification, you can define background colors (solid color or two gradient colors), display a shadow and configure spacing.
- Customizing styles
- There are more than 130 advanced parameters for you to change sizes, fonts, spacing, alignments, colors and more. You can modify the layout separately for desktop and mobile without having to mess with CSS files.
- Notification placement
- The notification can be displayed in two ways: 1 - fixed above the content at the top of the page, applying CSS 'absolute' style. 2 - loaded normally where called, using CSS 'relative' style.
- CSS and Javascript overwriting
- If it is necessary to add a JS style or event that is not provided for in the advanced parameters, the extension provides an area for you to add CSS and Javascript codes.