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File Details
Created 2022-07-07
Updated: 2022-07-07
Version 3.1.1
Developer: Ruud van Lent
Size 4.51 MB
Author Azrolan
Downloads 28
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Joomla! has a long history of being the perfect CMS (Content Management System). It is powering millions of websites around the globe. ochSubscriptions extends Joomla with the possibility to convert your website into a subscription based and community enabled business website. Whether you focus on B2B or B2C, ochSubscriptions has got you covered!

ochSubscriptions is a fork of the renowned (but abandoned) rd-subs extension that was and still is used to power the subscription business for a lot of (Joomla) extension developers.

ochSubscription is based on and fully integrated with Joomla, it gives you the following benefits:

  • Joomla ACL: all subscription assigned access rights are handled by Core Joomla ACL (Access View levels), you set which Joomla user groups are assigned to the customer when subscribing and can set a (different) set of user groups that the user will be removed from when the subscription expires: maximum flexibility.
  • Joomla Security: all access and authorisation is handled by Core Joomla
  • EU VAT: Fully configurable to comply to your business / country EU VAT rules including validation of the VAT number of B2B Customers (integrated VIES check)
  • (EU) VAT Rates: Support for standard and reduced vat rates (per EU country configurable) and even support for products that are exempt of VAT. Updating of the VAT rates can be done manually or automatic as part of an active subscription.
  • Flexible Renewals: renewal discount can be set globally or per product giving you the perfect offering to entice your existing customer in keep doing business with you.
  • (Expiry) discounts: flexible discounts can be configured globally or per product where you can set an (unlimited) amount of rules specifying expiry time and discount percentage. Your customers will be emailed a coupon code to get the discount resulting in sustainable subscriptions and business!
  • Coupon Codes: create coupon codes with fixed amounts or as a percentage, on the complete order or for a specific product or user. All coupons can have an optional  start and end date making it easy to run campaigns!
  • File distribution: Comes out of the box with file / download functionality
  • Extension distribution: fully integrated with Joomla One Click updater when using the ochSubscription provided download ID for the customer
  • Multilingual Template system: create templates for the emails that are send via the system and invoices created. Use a sophisticated Content Construction logic to customize the these templates to hold all relevant information for your customers
  • RD-Subscriptions import and RD-Subscriptions updater / download 'catcher': guaranteeing a smooth and hassle free transition for extension developers > old rd-subs updater URL keep working as they are replaced on the fly by ochSubscriptions!
  • Joomla One Click Updater: distribute your Joomla extensions to your customers via their website's One Click updater!
  • NEW in version 2.2.0: Joomla 4.x Change Log support: Show changelogs in Joomla 4 extension manager or in Joomla 4 extension updater!
  • Watchful Integration: ochSubscription can provide your customer with a Watchful download key allowing them to update your extension via Watchful
  • Customer pages: ochSubscriptions gives your customers direct insight into their active and inactive subscriptions, their invoices and their available downloads
  • Billing information: Billing information needed for invoicing is integrated with the default Joomla User Edit view, just like Joomla Custom Fields are!
  • Offline Payment: ochSubscription comes out-of -the-box with the PayLater payment plugin, this gives your customer the possibility to buy a subscription, get an invoice and once they paid the invoice you can process their order and activate their subscription.
  • Online Payment provider: The new PayPal checkout buttons and Mollie (dutch payment provider) payment plugins are available as separate downloads (require additional subscription).
  • and more to come....

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