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My MyMuse
(0 votes)
j3.x -j4.x
File Details
Created 2022-03-31
Updated: 2024-01-11
Version 5.2
Size 13.5 MB
Author joompaid
Downloads 25
Website Demo external

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Sell any digital file online. Present previews to your customers.

MyMuse for Joomla! is a Joomla! extension, modules and plugins.

The extension is a shopping cart geared to musicians, choirs, DJ's, record labels and videographers who have individual tracks or videos that can be sold and downloaded including mp3's, video files or any digital file, as well as physical items for sale, like CD's or DVD's.

The plugins enable searching for products and add payment options and preview options. Use jPlayer HTML5 player, Dewplayer or Flowplayer to preview mp3's or movies.


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