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Dismiss Cookie Bar II
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j3.x -j4.x
Dismiss Cookie Bar II
File Details
Created 2023-01-28
Updated: 2023-01-29
Version 2.0.3
Developer: DleJProducts
Size 52.38 KB
Author Azrolan
Downloads 21
Website Demo external

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Dismiss Cookie Bar II is our new Cookie Bar release and has been fully rewritten from the ground up as a Module. This decision was made in an attempt to leave some plugin conflicts and to give the module a wider range of configurability.  This is the same Cookie banner you see on our Website.

Each and every aspect of this extension is fully configurable to give you the ability of having exactly what you want in a simple cookie banner. We also decided to add some animations to help it to be noticed.



    Banner Message is all your own. Fully HTML Compliant
    Banner Background
    Banner Text Color
    Font Size
    Banner Width
    Border Radius
    Margin - Top margin if set it top position / Bottom margin if set in bottom position. Lets you set it to be almost anywhere in your browser window.
    Cookie Policy Link Label
    Cookie Policy Link URL
    Cookie Policy Link Color
    Open the policy in a new browser window or the same window.
    Privacy Link Label
    Privacy Link URL
    Uses the same link settings as the Cookie Policy (link color, browser window).


    Button Background
    Button Text
    Button Text Color
    Button Border Radius
    Button Align  Left | Center | Right

Decline Button:

    Option to disable the button
    Button Background
    Button Text
    Button Text Color
    Uses the same radius and alignment as the accept button


    Close on Scroll
    Slide In From Right
    Slide In From Left
    Fade In
    Slide and Fade In Up/Down... depending on top or bottom position


    Banner Position - Top/Bottom
    Display Cookie Banner - 1 Time (set cookie) | Always
    If this is set as Always then the banner will show on every refresh of any page. This was added primarily for the admin to easily see the changes and edit according to what their preferences are

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