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more Form element for YOOtheme more Form element for YOOtheme Pro
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j3.x -j4.x
File Details
Created 2021-04-12
Version 2.3.18
Developer: morejoomla
Size 311 B
Author joompaid
Downloads 42
Website Demo external

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This plugin makes it possible to build a nice looking form with the YOOtheme Pro builder. You can make use of many field options including multiple file uploads and even hide the whole form within a modal.

Protect the form with Joomla's standard captcha and place as many forms as you want on one subpage. Admin and visitor can receive a beautiful styled eMail. Furthermore you can redirect your visitor to a custom page including all the data or stay on the same page and post data silently.

If you'd like to import the data, the csv attachment will assist you easily.

This form builder manages everything!


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