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Geek Landing P Geek Landing Page
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File Details
Created 2019-03-03
Updated: 2021-03-25
Version 3.7.5
Developer: JoomlaGeek
Size 8.21 MB
Author joompaid
Downloads 84
Website Demo external

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The Geek Landing Page Builder lets you create  landing page on your site in a few simple steps.  if you want to quickly create a landing page to promote your new product or campaign on your site without having to redirect to another page. Because it comes as an additional component of Joomla, the plugin has the ability to publish a landing page to specific page pages, which is much easier than using an external mini-site as a landing page.


Comments (8)

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Hi! Release 4.0.3 please? thx

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Please update to Version: 3.8.5 (Release Date: 21 January 2023)

Geert Tjeerdsma
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Also, from version 3.7x is now compatible with J.4x

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Hi.Could you please update to latest Geek Landing Page vertsion updated December 05, 2022
Thank you.

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Hello there,

Will you please update this to the latest released version, 3.8.4 -- thank you very much in advance!

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please update to the latest release 3.8.4 ! happy Geek Landing Page  3.7.5

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Please update to latest version (v3.8.1) -- thanks very much!

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Please update to 3.7.5
Thank you very much happy Geek Landing Page  3.7.5

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