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No Boss Embed No Boss Embed Pro
(0 votes)
j3.x -j4.x
File Details
Created 2021-10-23
Version 1.0.1
Developer: nobossextensions
Size 311 B
Author joompaid
Downloads 34
Website Demo external

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Load your modules using embed options via Iframe, Jquery or XHR.

How it works:

By installing the plugin No Boss Embed, all modules on your site will show a new publishing option.

There are three embed options (iframe, Jquery and XHR) for you to load the module from any type of site.

You create the module on your Joomla site and then upload it to as many sites as you like. And these sites don't need to be using Joomla.

Loading the module on other sites is very simple. The logic is similar to incorporating services like Youtube and Vimeo.

  1. You copy one of the embed script options displayed in the admin area of the module.
  2. You place the embed script in the location on the other site where you want to display the module.

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