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WooCommerce Product Table
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WooCommerce Product Table
File Details
Created 2024-06-06
Version 3.2
Developer: barn2
Size 1.29 MB
Author Azrolan
Downloads 3
Website Demo external

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The bestselling WooCommerce Product Table plugin lists products in a fast and flexible order form. Trusted by 1,000s of store owners, it's the easy way to get more sales.

Powerful Product Tables

Create awesome WooCommerce product tables in seconds

Fast One-Page Ordering

    Order multiple products and variations with one click
    Quickly find products with instant search and sort
    Ideal for WooCommerce wholesale, order forms and restaurants

Create Tables Your Way

    Add tables anywhere using a shortcode, Gutenberg block, or enable on shop and category pages
    List hundreds or even thousands of products!
    Show any data you want: specific products, custom fields, attributes, taxonomies, SKU, videos & more

Easy to Setup and Customize

    Simple & intuitive interface
    Incredibly flexible & easy to customize
    Designed for developers or store owners with no coding skills


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