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User Enhancement Manager - UE Man
(0 votes)
j3.x -j4.x
File Details
Created 2022-11-07
Updated: 2022-11-08
Version 1.6.5
Developer: Tamlyn Software
Size 311 B
Author Azrolan
Downloads 18
Website Demo external

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User Enhancement Manager is designed to give you more control over users in Joomla, and make it easier to add custom fields to user profiles.

The extensions allows you to:

  • Create custom user registration fields
  • Set user expiry
  • Bulk import user
  • Export user to CSV/Excel
  • Access logs for Joomla users
  • Eliminate Spam registration
  • Force user to change their password
  • Setup policies if a password is not udpated to diable the account
  • Setup rules around inactive user accounts
  • Administator can login as a user to troubleshoot an account
  • and so much more... 

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