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joomla-templates-and-extensions-download EDD Plugins

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Downloads: 55
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Themify Popup is a free WordPress plugin that allows you to display beautifully responsive pop up windows on any page of your website.

Developer: themify
created:Date 2022-05-28
Website Demo external
(0 votes)

This expansion integrates your Easy Digital Downloads keep with MailChimp by way of letting thou mechanically contribute customers in accordance with precise lists based about where that purchased, or permitting clients in imitation of choose themselves in a list during checkout.

Developer: easydigitaldownloads
created:Date 2022-05-26
Website Demo external

Ever wanted in imitation of provide thine clients a cut price because of sharing merchandise of you website? This plugin does precisely that. 

Developer: easydigitaldownloads
created:Date 2022-05-26
Website Demo external
(0 votes)

A simple and robust way to integrate you Easy Digital Downloads save including 400+ 1/3 party web services, inclusive of Highrise, Twilio, Campaign Monitor, MailChimp, Xero, Zendesk, Dropbox, Google Docs then more!

Developer: easydigitaldownloads
created:Date 2022-05-26
Website Demo external

This expansion is aimed at developers/clients whoever need according to show a listing concerning featured downloads.

Developer: easydigitaldownloads
created:Date 2022-05-26
Website Demo external

EDD Per Product Emails allows a save admin in imitation of setup customized electronic mail notifications because every product.

Developer: easydigitaldownloads
created:Date 2022-05-26
Website Demo external
(0 votes)

The ActiveCampaign electronic mail marketing add-on provides an choice for you clients in accordance with be part of you ActiveCampaign email listing at some point of checkout.

Developer: easydigitaldownloads
created:Date 2022-05-25
Website Demo external

A muscular pathway after employ site visitors concerning an eCommerce save is in conformity with permit to them in conformity with consider side-by-side comparisons on products those are fascinated in.

Developer: easydigitaldownloads
created:Date 2022-05-25
Website Demo external
(0 votes)

This development integrates you Easy Digital Downloads save along ConvertKit by letting ye mechanically subscribe clients after forms yet publications based totally concerning where she purchased, or allowing customers in conformity with choose themselves between a moon during checkout. 

Developer: easydigitaldownloads
created:Date 2022-05-25
Website Demo external
(0 votes)

This extension integrates you Easy Digital Downloads save including AWeber by means of letting you mechanically subscribe clients to precise lists based totally over as it purchased, then allowing customers to opt themselves in a list at some stage in checkout.

Developer: easydigitaldownloads
created:Date 2022-05-25
Website Demo external
(0 votes)

This extension integrates your Easy Digital Downloads store with GetResponse by letting you automatically subscribe customers to specific lists based on what they purchased, and allowing customers to opt themselves into a list during checkout.

Developer: easydigitaldownloads
created:Date 2022-05-25
Website Demo external
(0 votes)

Easy Digital Downloads is timbered specifically because of selling digital products, however incomplete human beings amour the plugin and tons as that necessity in accordance with utilizes it because of promoting physical merchandise namely well. For that reason,

Developer: easydigitaldownloads
created:Date 2022-05-25
Website Demo external

Pushover Notifications because Easy Digital Downloads is an expansion up to expectation permits ye in imitation of acquire go about notifications of income then daily salary concerning thine iOS then Android devices. 

Developer: easydigitaldownloads
created:Date 2022-05-25
Website Demo external

This add-on fee gateway for Easy Digital Downloads permits thou after receive bitcoin for purchases through thine website online the use of Coinbase.com.

Developer: easydigitaldownloads
created:Date 2022-05-25
Website Demo external
(0 votes)

This add-on because Easy Digital Downloads choice enable thou in imitation of shop thine downloadable files concerning Amazon S3, a easy then impenetrable file for consideration tankage system. 

Developer: easydigitaldownloads
created:Date 2022-05-25
Website Demo external

Founded in 2016, we have been serving our customers for 6 years with a number of high quality products including All CMS Extensions And Templates -You Can Exchange Your Extensions Or buy a monthly subscription

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