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JoomEv JoomEvents
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j3.x -j4.x
File Details
Created 2022-03-13
Version 1.2
Size 3.55 MB
Author joompaid
Downloads 37
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JoomEvents is a powerful, features rich, easy to use Joomla events and calendars management extension with events registration capability


Events Management

  • Events management from backend
  • Power backend filter to find events easily and quickly
  • Ability to delete, edit, add, archive, unpublish, export, duplicate .. easily from backend
  • Support allday and meeting event type
  • You can set event date and event end date
  • You can set event thumbnail, poster and banner
  • Ability to add attachement file for download in event
  • Ability to feature event
  • You can approve or disapprove an event
  • You can change event state to confirmed or cancelled
  • Ability to change event weight (Hight, normal, low)
  • You can display ribbon in event
  • Set event to use menu entry
  • Assign event to calendar, activity, public, venue, resource, section and category
  • Quickly create calendar, activity, public, venue, resource, section and category inside event
  • Ability to set an advanced scheduling setup on each event (daily recurring, weekly recurring ...)
  • Set event description or use description of calendar
  • Voting / Rating support
  • Set event expiration date
  • Ability to reset event hits
  • Ability to set alternate contact informations
  • Save event as copy
  • Ability to archive or trash event
  • Set event metadata (description, keywords ...)
  • Ability to preview event from backend
  • Ability to submit event from frontend
  • Ability to set submission instructions of event
  • Ability to preassign event to calendar, activity, public, venue, resource, section and category on new submission from frontend
  • Ability to allow specific user group to approve an event (using ACL)
  • And more ...

Event Scheduling

  • Support daily, weekly, monthly and yearly recurring system
  • Ability to set date of end of the period
  • Ability to set Interval between each event to create
  • Ability to set repeat count of event
  • iCal rule support for defining complex recurrence pattern
  • Ability to see computed dates easily
  • Select custom days or weeks in monthly recurring
  • Select custom days in weekly recurring
  • Ability to include or exclude weekend in daily recurring
  • Backend view of non approved events for easy management

Event Registration

  • Allow/disallow event registration in every event
  • Set price of individual user to register in every event
  • Free ticket support in every event
  • You can set the maximum number of attendees can register in every event
  • Overbooking feature support
  • Set registration information
  • Ability to see registration information inside event
  • Ability to set booking start and end dates
  • Ability to allow specific user group to enroll an event (using ACL)
  • Ability to allow specific user group to enroll an event automatically (using ACL)
  • Ability to allow specific user group to see registrations in frontend (using ACL)
  • Allow multiple user registration

Event Planification

  • Set organization transport type (carpool, bus ..)
  • Set organization gathering place
  • Set if organization is inside or outside
  • Set organization money data (price, travel expenses, launch expenses, cachet, profit ....)
  • Set organization contacts (organizer, photographer, Producer, Steward, Speaker ...)
  • Ability to extend organization contacts
  • Technicians and musiciens schedule time  (going Time, arrival time, return time, install time, sound balance time ...)
  • Ability to set private informations
  • Ability to download / edit contract

Registrations Management

  • Registrations management from backend
  • Power backend filter to find registrations easily and quickly
  • Ability to delete, edit, add, archive, unpublish, export, duplicate .. registration easily from backend
  • Attach registration to an event and participant 
  • Ability to set custom comment for registration
  • Ability to choose registration commitment type
  • You can set number of accompanying persons
  • And more ...

Activities management

  • Activities management from backend
  • Power backend filter to find activities easily and quickly
  • Ability to delete, edit, add, archive, unpublish, duplicate .. activity easily from backend
  • Ability to assign activity to calendar and event
  • Choose custom color and text color for activity
  • Set activity as default
  • Choose activity image and bullet
  • Set activity description, metadata and publishing info

Calendars Management

  • Calendars management from backend
  • Power backend filter to find calendars easily and quickly
  • Ability to delete, edit, add, archive, unpublish, duplicate .. calendar easily from backend
  • Ability to assign calendar to activity and event
  • Customize calendar color and text color
  • Customize hits number to mark "is hot event" in calen
  • Choose calendar contact from Joomla users
  • Set thumbnail and bullet image
  • Choose marker icon for google map
  • Set description, description model, metadata and publishing info for calendar
  • Set contacts definition
  • Set calendar as default
  • Set calendar as active by default

Venues Management

  • Venues management from backend
  • Power backend filter to find venues easily and quickly
  • Ability to delete, edit, add, archive, unpublish, duplicate .. venue easily from backend
  • Set address or use pointer in map
  • Assign to calendar 
  • Set venue as default
  • Ability to save as copy

Categories, Publics, Resources, Sections Management

  • Management from backend
  • Power backend filter to find items easily and quickly
  • Ability to delete, edit, add, archive, unpublish, duplicate .. item easily from backend
  • Ability to assign item to calendar
  • Ability to assign category to section
  • Add note to public item
  • Set description, metadata and publishing info
  • Set item thumbnail and bullet image
  • Set color and text color
  • Set item as default
  • And more ...

External Calendars Management

  • Management from backend
  • Power backend filter to find external calendars easily and quickly
  • Ability to delete, edit, add, archive, unpublish, duplicate .. external calendar easily from backend
  • Support Google Calendar and iCalendar (ICS)
  • Ability to set custom color, text color
  • Ability to set custom css classes

Import / Export Features

  • Support URL, iCal URL and file import type
  • Ability to import into an existing category or separate categories or a new category
  • Ability to import into a specific calendar, activity, public, resource
  • Ability to import into an existing venue or separate venues or a new venue
  • Ability to select native language to display holiday titles in the language native to that country.
  • Ability to import from sample data (American history events, American History Birthdays)
  • Ability to export events from a specific date range
  • Ability to export events from specific calendar, activity, category ....
  • Ability to export calendars, categories and venues

Display Features

  • Bootstrap support
  • Ability to customize event data (buttons, header, map, contacts ...)
  • Ability to customize events list
  • Ability to change default event template
  • Ability to change default form template
  • Ability to change default events template
  • and more ... 

More Features

  • Custom ribbons management
  • Payment registration support (Paypal, Py By Check)
  • Integration with JComments
  • Integration with AcyMailing
  • Integration with Community Builder
  • Advanced SEO features support like Open Graph, Twitter cards, Rich Snippets
  • Joomla Smart Search integration
  • Joomla standard search integration
  • Joomla Custom Fields support (coming soon in v2)
  • Shortcode support
  • and more ...

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