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Chameleon - Control your Joomla Templates and M Chameleon - Control your Joomla Templates and Menus
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j3.x -j4.x
File Details
Created 2019-07-08
Updated: 2020-01-25
Version 2.69
Developer: Stephen Brandon
Size 1.79 MB
Author Azrolan
Downloads 67
Website Demo external

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Chameleon changes the way your site looks and acts under different conditions. It's like a multi-site extension, except your site can respond to much more than just domains…

Chameleon detects:

 Browser (IE v6, FF, iPhone, iPad, tablet, mobile etc; using Categorizr for smart detection)
  Browser language
  Date, time, time of day
  Page type (article, category, front page etc)
  Virtuemart page types, products, cart contents, categories, coupons & shopper groups
  Flexicontent page types, categories & specific items
  Hikashop page types, categories & specific items★ K2 page types, categories, authors & more
User id and group, logged-in & logged-out users
  Article id, section, category & tags (J3.x)
  Site domain/sub-domain★ Page URL & referrer
  Random probability
  GeoIP detection of the guest’s city/country
  All "children" of a given menu or menu item
  Anything else you can detect with a snippet of PHP.

After it detects any of these, Chameleon can perform any of these dynamic "actions" on the current page:

 set the template/style
  add the current user to any group, on-the-fly
  unpublish/rename menu items
  unpublish plugins
  switch the "default" Joomla page (site home page)
  switch which menu item will be highlighted as "Active"
  internal or external redirection
  dynamic find-&-replace text/HTML on the page
  set metadata, page title, and add JS/CSS
  set page language
dynamically switch VirtueMart shopper group (& pricing structure), set currency, toggle catalog mode & price display
run PHP code


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