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Zynith SEO Plugin
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Zynith SEO Plugin
File Details
Created 2024-01-16
Updated: 2024-05-25
Version 8.0.2
Developer: zynith.app
Size 120.25 KB
Author Azrolan
Downloads 0
Website Demo external

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Zynith SEO will be concluding its LTD program on May 1st of 2024!

Over 30,000 Installations and 10,000 users!

Zynith uses industry standards to provide your website with SEO settings you have come to know and love

    Google SERP Preview
    Meta Title
    Meta Description
    Open Graph Image
    Target Keyword With Live Density
    No Index and No Follow Options

Experience the Lighter, More Efficient SEO Plugin

Are you tired of heavy, resource-hogging SEO plugins that slow down your website? Look no further! Zynith, the game-changing SEO plugin, is here to elevate your optimization experience to new heights.

With a staggering 3000% lighter footprint than industry giants like Yoast and RankMath, Zynith ensures that your website remains lightning-fast while offering a comprehensive suite of features to skyrocket your search engine rankings.

A Collaboration By
Google SEO Masterminds

The collaboration between Google SEO masterminds and Zynith’s development team has led to a suite of features that cater to every aspect of optimization, from content analysis to technical adjustments. Zynith’s innovative approach, powered by Google’s industry-leading expertise, ensures that you stay ahead of the competition and consistently achieve outstanding results in search rankings.


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