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DM Simple Con DM Simple Contact
(0 votes)
j3.x -j4.x
File Details
Created 2021-01-13
Version 3.1
Developer: quirkyfoxlabs
Size 311 B
Author joompaid
Downloads 40
Website Demo external

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DM Simple Contact is a straight simple and complete Contact Component for Joomla.

You can configure a complete contact page in a couple of clicks, directly from the item menu's parameters: just set your contact data, select the required fields, your address and an optional text. That's it, you get a complete Contact page in a few clicks.
You can configure reCaptcha to filter out spam, customize your map and give your users the possibility to print the directions to reach the contact's location.

Major features:

  • Customizable reCaptcha verification code;
  • Google Map with directions;
  • Customizable text extra field;
  • Customizable Dropdown field;
  • 5 preset Layouts;
  • possibility to send an email copy to your users;
  • Custom checkbox that can be used to request ToS agreement;
  • For every listed field you can easily set if it is required or not. (Only on Joomla! 1.6+)

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