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Media Library Categories Premium
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Media Library Categories Premium
File Details
Created 2024-05-30
Updated: 2024-05-30
Version 2.4.2
Developer: jeffrey-wp
Size 26.44 KB
Author Azrolan
Downloads 2
Website Demo external

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Adds the ability to use categories in the WordPress Media Library and filter on categories when inserting media. When activated a dropdown of categories will show up in the media library. You can change the category of multiple items at once with bulk actions.


  • add / edit / remove categories from media items
  • change the category of multiple items at once with bulk actions
  • filter on categories in the media library
  • filter on categories when adding media to a post or page
  • filter on categories when creating galleries in the media library
  • taxonomy filter
  • support for WordPress 3.1 – 6.5
  • WordPress 5+ Gutenberg compatible



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