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GK Game - joomla temp GK Game - joomla template
(1 vote)
j3.x -j4.x
File Details
Created 2020-11-13
Updated: 2021-12-27
Version 4.0
Developer: gavick
Size 1.85 KB
Author morva
Downloads 34
Website Demo external

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Template Description

For web resources about play themes, sites dedicated to video games and computer entertainment has a proper design, which is designed to attract and retain the target audience. This definition is a perfect fit for the pattern Studio GavickPro, it combines the stylish design and thoughtful functionality. First of all, this template is designed for use on the websites, the content, which is optimized for computer and video games, but it can be easily applied to other resources, in particular: a database of video clips, news portal, various database software, etc.

The model has juicy colours, subject contrast, and color balance. The signature feature of dynamically changing large-scale picture in the header of the website, its task is to output the most significant events: announcements, reviews and news. The functionality of this block includes all standard modules: - registration form; - the light version of the blog; - feedback form; - search form; - Sitemap.

Note the easy flow of information, in the form of boxes with image, title and summary of the text. Main menu located at the top of, additional menus can be positioned to the left even though the right and even the center of the page. An additional menu is made in the form of bands identical to the bands of glossy magazines. Template GavickPro - Game is completely scalable, all sizes are easy to change, there is a choice of rich colors shades design of menus and the canvas page. Menu you can also choose different shape and style. Take into account the little things such as calendar, counter attendance, FAQ, and more.

Unique design, ergonomic functionality with simple access to any visitor's information will impress even the casual visitor, not to mention regular users. The Game template is intended primarily for sites designed on the Joomla CMS engine, but if desired, it could easily be bolted to any other engine. Safe to say he will be a worthy competitor to the leading portals of its category.

Template Features:

  • The template is constantly updated to the latest versions of Joomla!
  • The presence of PSD files to easily change the template design.
  • Quickstart package - the opportunity to run the template with demo data quickly and easily.
  • Actual and secure code, the latest versions of PHP and MySQL.
  • Support for JavaScript and CSS compression to increase the speed of the site.
  • Compliance with standards W3C XHTML 1.0 Transitional, W3C CSS Valid.
  • A large number of options for the location of modules.
  • Configuration topics covered 6 options of color schemes that will be combined perfectly with your web site.
  • The template is configured to use the original Google Fonts, which are specially adapted for the design of the website.
  • Supports two types of menus: Classic Menu and Overlay Menu.
  • Supports content management component K2 and EasyBlog for Joomla!.
  • Compatible with versions Joomla! 2.5.x and Joomla! 3.6+.

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